Unesco uses an Arabic voice-over from Foreign VoiceOver.us!

Categories : Brand's projects

Promoting the Arabic language


Among the many missions of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is the preservation and promotion of international languages. Spoken by nearly four hundred million people around the world and the official language of more than twenty countries, Arabic is a vector of the cultural influence of this major civilization.

Following a casting request by a French production company with which we regularly collaborate, Foreign Voiceover.co.uk provided its three best female Arabic voice-overs. The voice was to accompany an institutional film giving various facts and statistics on Arabic and its use in the world. It is broadcast on the internet via platforms such as YouTube or Dailymotion.

We knew that the client would be very attentive to the choice of voice, so we needed a standard Arabic without any particular accent. The tone of the film had to be both sober but passionate, while avoiding being too overly promotional like a commercial. After listening to our different actresses,  Mirna R. an Arabic voice-over from Lebanon was chosen. She managed to combine all the qualities desired by production.

We are grateful to such a large international institution as UNESCO for trusting Foreign Voiceover.co.uk. Once again we have demonstrated our unique expertise in choosing the best international voice-overs.